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Ditching Edition

Previous thread: >>475159107

A thread for all vehicle simulation games: racing sims, flight sims, train sims, submarine sims, tank sims, anything else sims which do not have enough traffic to sustain their own independent generals.

>Extra attention grabbing search terms for example welcome sims
/fsg/ /dcsg/ /fsxg/ /bmsg/ /shg/ /rofg/ /etsg/ /il2g/ /lfsg/ /tsg/

>OP Pastebin

>Planefag pastebin:
in OP pastebin

>Tankfag pastebin:

>Boat- and subfag pastebin

>Repository of various aviation related material:

>Example of welcome sims
Falcon BMS, DCS World, Rise of Flight, IL-2, Combat Helo, Microsoft Flight Simulator, X-Plane, Euro truck sim, Assetto Corsa, rFactor 2, Live for Speed, SAM Simulator, Steel Beasts Pro, Steel Armor: Blaze of War, Steel Fury: Kharkov 1942, Enemy Engaged: Comanche vs Hokum, Silent Hunter, Dangerous Waters, Train Simulator, Farming Simulator 201X, OMSI 2, DiRT: Rally, Ship Simulator, NoLimits2

>Example of non-welcome games:
Arm*, Ac* C*mbat, W*r Th*nder, W*rld of _____, The S*ms, S*m C*ty, G*at S*mulat*r
Him wet
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More FC3 planes, and ones we already have in FF at that... ED is going under fellas,
>totally didn't even see the other thread existing
why are you asking what pilot certificates I may, or do not have?
According to Wags they were for another game that got canceled so they're just throwing them in DCS to try and remake some of the dev cost.
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Stop being dead
Based B307 enjoyer
I still can't believe they haven't fixed the typo on the altimeter yet.
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Are the dust filters necessary on the Hind? Like, if i don't activate it, will it actually fuck up my engine if i'm on grass instead of a proper landing pad/air strip ?
Can't find any actual answer to the question besides niggers guessing it and i can't access the game right now.
I've died in the hip landing in sandy/dusty environments repeatedly w/o dust protection, eventually setting my engines on fire. Probably also modeled in the hind. Icing on the other hand never seems to cause any real issues.
The audio also sounds like shit.
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Thanks anon
Helicopter pilots are nuts
that was cool, not a fan of every cool video having unnecessary music d3su. Specially when I want to hear the vehicle
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Also I posted the same on /n/gag/:
Is there a way to setup a server and organize RENO like races online?
im talking about Xplane or MSFS. Maybe with anons from here would be nice
>thread is back
I thought we'd given up this time
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MSFS has some sort of Reno race thing built-in, right? I never paid much attention to it
Don't forget: you're here forever.
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We're gonna make it bro, i got my collective and i'm waiting for my Tobii Eye tracker. I hope its decent enough. And before someone tells me "bro' just use trackIR/VR/whatever" i just want something i can use without strapping something to my head. Hopefully its alright. Otherwise i'll just send it back.
I would pay $20 for a FC3 level Su-34 that has the combined avionics of the Su-25T and Su-27 and a few extra weapons.
too bad, you're getting the same F-5 that's been neglected for 8 years, but now with no clicky cockpit.
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>kola textures looks like shit because of DCS limitations
>have to wait until ED ups the limitations for the map to look good
how long?
and what happened with the entire ED vs razbam epic rap battle thingamajig? everyone forgot about it already?
Apparently Kola map is reaching size limits. Maps already take 60 gigs, my SSD can't take any more if they further up the texture sizes (and neither can my VRAM)

>and what happened with the entire ED vs razbam epic rap battle thingamajig?
pic is from earlier this week
>everyone forgot about it already?
We're just waiting until Razscam retards start yapping again
>sim update 2025
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>you can fly the wreckage brother in msfs
amazing. where do i get an all black skin for it?
Fuck I thought the new flaming cliff aircraft would be modern jets that they are not allowed to simulate yet. And then I read the announcement.
Literally NO ONE asked for this.
what the fuck is ED thinking?
hopefully not a lot of resources goes into this because ED definitely needs to put their priorities elsewhere.
that makes more sense
Curious about one thing, does the DCS F-16C flight model need a buff or is it this weak in real life?
>can't rate like the hornet or mirage
>even the jf-17 outrates it
it feels wrong is all I can say.
Yeah, a FC3-level F-22 or F-35 would sell like hot cakes, maybe even to some normies that then get converted
They are probably worried about completely destroying multiplayer balance.
F-15 vs Su-27 is bad enough already.
I find tomcats, vipers, the jeff and the chink flanker scarier than those two.
probably outdated
>scarier than those two.
Lots of things are scarier than the Su-27.
The point I was trying to make was that F-15 vs Su-27 is already imbalanced and favoring the blue side because of AMRAAM.
If you add F-22 or F-35 PvP servers will either have to ban those or red side will never have a chance.
I screwed every single fucking fastener back on a Bandierante wing fuel tank inspection panel when I was 14 during high school work experience. I assume nothing bad happened
oh sorry misread your post, I completely agree.
so how does ED even fix it? the FF fulcrum sure as hell won't be able to, and we're getting the typhoon for blue soon.
probably are the favorite aircraft from some suite guy and added them because of this
Those full fidelity aircraft are super simple in cockpit function and probably the easiest to convert.
What do you suppose the chances are of the Phantom or Kiowa releasing on the same day as Kola?
Good points, although they could be counter balanced by FC3 J-20 and Su-57 and in the end it's still up to the server host. A simulation, like real life doesn't necessarily have to be balanced
and for the sake of gameplay it can
i just want the cool sims of the late 90s/early 2000s back
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>the way servers currently balance modern servers in DCS is to put the f-16 on redfor
I’m unreasonably tempted to buy the CS C-130 simply because I want a quad turbo prop but $40 for a plane I wish was an L-188 instead seems dumb. I wouldn’t even mind the default king air sounds on an airliner as much.
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Lightning when?
>i got my collective
Are you the lad who ordered the Virpil one the other week? How is it? There is a cheap webcam head tracker on steam I can't remember the name of which apparently is 'Okay but not as good as trackir'
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Don't buy Captain Sim anything, please. Wait for Milviz/Blackbird Simulations to finish theirs, or even longer for DCS to have one.

Have a look at AzurPoly's C-160 if you want a turboprop military transport plane.
Have you considered the banana plane?
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Low altitude flying really tests my PC, sadly it'll be a few months until I upgrade my GPU from a 980ti.
How is the banana plane quality wise? I'm planning on getting it at some point.
Also I love the Alouette but it's hard work, I'm tempted to get the Robinson R22 as a more laid back heli.
Thinking of flying to distract myself from the near suicidal level of pain from my toothache
fuck you codeine why did you stop working
i think i'm actually going insane
Do a bombing run on your local dentist
>fuck you codeine why did you stop working
you got selected for the placebo test
>banana plane
spoonfeed me?
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DHC-4 Caribou, STOL cargo plane that saw a lot of use in Vietnam,
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need a new stick
is the gladiator NXT evo space edition decent for combat flight simming?
Yeah, one of the best price/performance.
It has twist rudder so you don't need pedals, but a separate throttle would be nice.
kiowa warrior coming end of may / beginning of june. devs just said on the qna stream
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hyped but man is it going to feel surreal when it's actually out, I've been waiting for that thing for long as I can remember and they spent the last 4 years acting like release was close, it's like that gif of the truck never crashing into the post
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Alright that's totally different than what I'm looking for but also how did I miss this it looks awesome.

I just want to move large amounts of cargo at 300ktas+ but also fuck jets. Turbo props are cool, L-188 Electra would be sick. If I had to go military something like an A400M or in my fucking dreams an An-70 would be nice, but the avionics are going to be all modern and boring.
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*teleports behind you*
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I've been looking forward to it for however many years now. But just like when it was first announced, I have no idea what to do with it... I already know how to fly a jet ranger, and I don't really do MP so buddy-lasing isn't really in the cards for me. Low level ground action is just as terrible as it was when this game was announced, maybe worse since the AI are forehead seeking missiles at anything under 10,000 feet.
The NXT Premium was my first stick I got for DCS. It's probably the best bang for your buck stick on the market. I would still get a throttle (like the scalable stecs for example) and pedals but you can manage with them.
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if we're just fantasy posting
Just got my Tobii Eye tracker. Its not as sharp as VR or IR tracking, but having your head movements AND eye movements tracked is pretty cool. Downside being when i'm looking at something else than the screen, the camera goes to shit. But you can lock anything just with your gaze and its pretty impressive.
Also the red eyes from the cameras look like the T-90 meme
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>need a new stick
Let me guess, X52?
Oh fuck they're really doing this potato.
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kek, I have this ancient one and it still works fine. Im more worried about upgrading my pc setup d3su
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Any good freeware STOL aircraft in Xplane 11 with fat tyres? i want to larp as a cartel/gasoline smuggler pilot.
Hit the supercharger and this thing flies high.
wash your mouth in oil
bum p
they really wish it was the il-2
Hold my QuickFl!p fountain beverage
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good to hear that, going to pair it with a STECS mini, probably.
I like the crust too, snail, I like the crust too.
Works fine in DCS and Elite dangerous.

In DCS with the eyetracker you will have to get used to not moving your focus while you are trying to click on a button/control in the cockpit ohter wise it's case of 'chase the control'. To a lesser extent you get the same thing with trackir, but it's easier to hold your head still than it is to keep looking at the same point
Favorite DCS main menu theme music?
For me it's the Mi-8.
Don't sink.
I already got a bootleg trackIR. And its good but i wanted something that i could use without having to put something on my head.
Also, its very fucking nice. Same as all the other Virpil gear i own. If i wanted to nit pick, i'd say the buttons feel a bit cheap on the Shark-a handle. But otherwise, its solid stuff.
Yeah i gave it a quick try. Its a bit jarring at first but i think i'm gonna love it.
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I tried this bitch and its actually pretty cool.
is there a release date for afghanistan?
June 2024 for the first third (still can't believe this is actually how they're doing it) and then 3 months each for the other 2 thirds
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update: boughted, getted, payed, orded and buyed the stick but
>STECS doesn't have analog pedals but instead just some trigger pedals
come on man, it was perfect but you had to ruin it with this one thing.
I might just have to grab one myself. Took me months to try out the beaver after hearing nothing but good things about it and it’s fucking phenomenal. Shame the DHC-7 is so shitty.
They're a pretty rad aeroplane. I used to enjoy watching them occasionally come and go at the aerodrome I got my first job at.
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when are they going to fix the atc randomly cutting out
you could be describing literally all flight sims, whichstht
Azure voices bug is supposed to be fixed in SU15 (May 7th)
In the meantime keep the voice setting on Offline
happens with offline too, it's not the voicegen since azure voices keep working for the pilot/copilot
so they may be "fixing" an issue that has nothing to do with voices cutting out, and then they'll literally never ever fix it because they already "fixed" it
>happens with offline too
Really? I've never had it happen so long as it's on offline the entire session from the beginning (switching to offline after Azure ATC cuts out doesn't work though)
F-4E when
the coral snake said if it's now out by may 31st he will assassinate joe bidden
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>2 weeks vacations
>finally have time and energy to sim
>get sick and barely have the energy to get up and piss
Not like this
how about you simulate a better immune system lmao
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Man why is MFS so slow and shit. 10 years to unpack something
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Its crazy how shit MFS feels like compared to DCS. I swear fucking war thunder has more realistic flight models.
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birds of steel unironically has the best feeling aerodynamics out of any sim
get a doctors note and get your vacation days back
at least that's how it works here
That's just plane wrong
that bombed
how the hell can you tell when you're flying with a ps3 controller?
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Best XPlane
>GA single
>GA twin
>Commercial turboprop
>Vintage civilian airliner
Kiowa over Kola when?
despite that it's the only flight game where you can feel the g forces just from the animation
What kind of data download rate is needed for dcs?
I moved countries for work and I'm now stuck with 8 Mbit/s until I get fibre later this year.
Is it worth spending a week downloading dcs or should I not bother until I get faster speeds?
8 Mbit/s = 1 MB/s
150000 MB / 3600s = 41.67 hours
guess you could download it over a weekend?
Assuming the connection isn't used for anything else over that weekend.
But yes, it shouldn't take a week
Yeah i'll do that but still
I peed my pants close to that statue
>not peeing on the statue
I was like 7 or some shit at the time, 7 year olds do not understand the concept of pure unfiltered ludokino acts, so pants it was
I keep getting lost in the mach loop
why isn't it marked
does msfs not cover China or are there just fuck all runways there?
is there somewhere a pic of a real hsd or fcr page from the f16? all the games have it simulated better or worse but i cant find anything in the manuals or the web?
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lots of chink airports are broken yes, it's easiest to see in littlenavmap what's missing because it overlays the runways and taxiways on openstreetmap
ICN is the best airport ive ever been to. but the customs line is so fucking long
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I wanted to dip my toes into sims. I wanted to ask what HOTAS controllers people use, and if they have any recommendations. I was going to get it used because most of them are much cheaper if you buy used.
>What kind of sims do you want to play?
Flight sims and Mech sims. I have a reasonably powerful computer. Not sure what Flight Sim to start with. Probably Microsoft Flight Sim. Regarding the latter, I'll also ask /&tg/ about what HOTAS setup they use (if any), but I figured there would be some overlap with this general.
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just use a 3D pro like austin
very cheap: what this guy said >>475784567
cheap: Thrustmaster T16000 + TWCS set
medium: VKB Gladiator NXT Space Combat Edtition with a throttle like Thrustmaster TWCS or take a pick from VKB or Winwing
somewhat pricey: Winwing Orion 2 set
expensive: anything from Virpil
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Thanks for the info, Anon!
I'll throw in the VelocityOne Flight Stick as another cheap option. The throttle/flaps axes aren't super high precision but it's not a huge bother at that price point.
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Keep in mind that combat/space combat throttles (e.g. the TWCS) are designed for left-handed use (fighter jet/single-seater/tandem style).
Some civilian planes are like that but the majority in MSFS at least are side-by-side seating with the throttle in the middle between the two seats, and the standard main/solo pilot position is the left seat, putting the throttle on your right.
If you care about matching that, or simply want to be able to keep your left hand on the stick while operating the mouse with your right hand, you may want to investigate right-handed/ambidextrous throttles.
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I almost went with that but ended up going with the Airbus stick instead because it has a better reputation for not lifting up off the desk by accident as much (Velocity One has stiffer springs it seems).
But if you're going to clamp/screw your stick down then that doesn't matter.
I have both and you're right the V1 definitely has stiffer springs. I have a tendency to always be putting some sort of downforce on the stick whenever I have my hand on it so personally I haven't noticed, but I could absolutely see lifting being a problem with a lighter grip.
How do I get littlenavmap to display the whole world map in english? I appreciate why its not by default but I can't read moon runes and I want to fly asia
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it uses online maps, so whatever language they are in is what gets shown, an online map is just a bunch of image files
I think with openstreetmap it only shows the moon runes at maximum zoom level
If you're into the combat side of things, IL-2 1946 has a great wealth of content and is a good entry point
It's only ww2 but there's plenty of modpacks that add stuff like jets (if a little janky to install)
Is there a specific reason for why DCS doesn't have maps like Vietnam, Fulda Gap, and Korea already? I'm assuming it's because Eagle Dynamics is retarded
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we're not buying Vietnam, we have Vietnam at home
pls understand, small indy warbird collector
you will of get fifth desert map and you will of like it rasist(((((((((
114gb, 142gb, 97gb

you want more map?
trees are fucked

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